Monday, November 18, 2019

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Lisa Bonet

1. There’s a Lenny Kravitz song about her.

  Since she was married to Lenny Kravitz for a while it’s not too surprising to hear that he wrote a song about her. The two do have a strong connection as they have a child between them, which insures that they’ll be in one another’s life in some respect for a long, long time to come.

2.  She does value her privacy.

This could probably be said of a lot of celebrities since their lives are often placed in full view of the public and scrutinized by people they’ll never meet. But the privacy of a celebrity is something that goes for a high dollar price, and getting it is one thing while keeping it is something else entirely.

3. Lisa states that she was the black sheep of her family.

Almost every family has one black sheep among them no matter the severity of such a stigma. Someone will always buck against the family values or find their own way in life no matter how it has to happen. It’s a very common occurrence, especially in bigger families.

4. She and Jason Momoa were together for 12 years before they were married.

This seems like a very long courting period, but then again some people want to be sure that they’re compatible before they’re married, or they simply enjoy having someone in their life without having the pressures of marriage laid upon them right away.

5. She admits that her time on the Cosby show was a big moment in her life.

The Cosby Show was, after all, a very big hit and those that that managed to become part of it rode the success for a very long time it seemed. But as of now it’s in the past and that’s where she intends to keep it.

6. Lisa is still on good terms with her ex.

This is an important part of life when having to deal with an ex, as it’s better for their child and better overall for her relationship with her family in general. It’s better, not always easier, to remain friendly at least, so as to keep the peace between family members.

7. Was On a Cosby Show Spinoff

 Even now, Bonet tends to best-known for her role as Denise Huxtable on The Cosby Show. However, she left the show for a time in 1987 to star on a spinoff called A Different World. Initially, the spinoff was supposed to focus on her experiences at college. However, she left after the first season, with the result that it was forced to refocus on someone else.

8. The Real Reason Lisa Bonet Left “Different World”

When Debbie Allen took over Different World as the director, her stint with Lisa Bonet as a part of the cast didn’t last very long, but it wasn’t because of her doing, it was because of Bill Cosby’s decision, according to Debbie. 
Debbie Allen: “When I first took over the show [Different World] one of the first things I did was meet with Lisa Bonet and she secreted to me that she was pregnant. She had married Lenny Kravitz and you know…I guess Bill had his feelings about that because he was possessive in a way. 
So they both told him and two or three weeks later Bill Cosby was like “You know what Debbie? No. She’s pregnant, ‘Denise Huxtable’ is not pregnant, Lisa Bonet is pregnant not Denise. So no…no you can’t have it or the storyline, no we’re not gonna do it, no.” So he took her back to his show and that was that.

9. Got Fired From The Cosby Show

Attitude-wise, Bonet has sometimes been described as the “rebellious one” out of the actors who played the children on The Cosby Show.

 This is unsurprising because . . . well, she was fired from the show because of what were called “creative differences” at the time, which says a lot about a very strong sense of independence that led to her clashing with the people behind the show.

10. Spends a Lot of Time Outdoors

  Since Bonet doesn’t keep a TV at home, it should come as no surprise to learn that she and her family spend a lot of time outdoors instead when it comes to recreational activities. Besides their entertainment value, outdoor activities do keep interested individuals physically active, which is why there is such a wide range of parties that put so much effort into encouraging people to become more so for the sake of their personal well-being.










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